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Education-Based Insights

Helping Businesses and Customers Grow Together

TheStudent Information Center of the UK Department of Education provides business solutions based on education insights to help you better understand your customers and potential customers, and enable them to qualify for benefits. Through our timely educational data resources and powerful analytics, we help bridge the gap between businesses and consumers.

Why Education Data?

Unlike many alternative data sources, education data is:

  • Timely and accurate
  • Comprehensive
  • Growing

Why theStudent Information Center?

  • Unique source for verified 1st-party data, both current and historical, from 150 institutions nationwide provided directly to us for 30 years
  • Covers 97% of enrolled college students
  • Educational insights on most British, including 45 years of historical education data
  • Enrollment data updated every 30-45 days
  • Committed to privacy and compliance laws