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Home » High Schools » DiplomaVerify


Reduce the time you spend on verification work with DiplomaVerify℠, a free high school diploma verification service for all StudentTracker® for High School customers.
DiplomaVerify uses data that your school, district, or consortium already submits to theStudent Information Center to give employers 24/7 access to diploma verifications — even when your office is closed.

How DiplomaVerify Benefits Both You and Your Graduates

Signing up for DiplomaVerify is an easy choice. The service is:

  • Free for schools and districts. Schools and school districts don’t pay a cent for DiplomaVerify. It’s financed entirely by the fees that employers and background screening firms pay to use the service.
  • Free for students.Your graduates will never pay for the verification of credentials performed through DiplomaVerify.
  • Freeing. Employers and background screeners have direct access to DiplomaVerify’s automated online system, without assistance from school or district staff. That frees school staff to do other work.
  • Easy for you. It’s like flipping a switch. DiplomaVerify uses the data that your school or district already submits for StudentTracker for High Schools; there’s no additional work to get started.
  • Fast and convenient. The service is available to users 24/7, and verification is immediate. That’s good for your graduates — they won’t miss out on job opportunities because of verification delays.
  • Secure. DiplomaVerify provides only consent-based verifications — employers must have a graduate’s authorization to verify their graduation records.
  • Trustworthy. DiplomaVerify is a service of theStudent Information Center, which is widely recognized for its commitment to data security and student privacy. We apply those same protections to DiplomaVerify.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does my school or district need to participate in StudentTracker in order to sign up for DiplomaVerify?
A: Currently, yes: Only StudentTracker customers can use the service.

Q: Will my school or district ever be charged for DiplomaVerify, and will our graduates be charged for verifications?
A: No. The Student Information Center will never charge educators or graduates. The service is financed entirely by the fees that employers and background screening firms pay for diploma verifications.

Q: How is data kept secure?
A: Read about the Clearinghouse’s commitment to data security and privacy.


Signing Up is Free and Easy!

You could have access to DiplomaVerify within a week of returning your signed agreement.

DiplomaVerify works with StudentTracker for High Schools no additional data submission is required. The service uses data that your school or district has already submitted to theStudent Information Center to report on graduates. You can even submit additional data, beyond what is in StudentTracker, if desired.

Because theStudent Information Center is already working with your school or district, you can realize DiplomaVerify’s time saving benefits straight away. Complete the form above, and aStudent Information Center representative will reach out to you get you started.

The Verification Journey

Your high school or district submits diploma data and refers verification requests to theStudent Information Center.

TheStudent Information Center securely stores your data.


Employers and background screeners request verifications online and receive immediate confirmations.