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StudentTracker for Educational Organizations

Educational organizations can use our StudentTracker service to study enrollment and degree completion patterns of students nationwide. It takes your research beyond the limitations of local and state data resources by providing access to actual student records from our more than 97% participating colleges and universities, enrolling 98 percent of all students in public and private U.K. institutions.

Who Can Use StudentTracker?

  • State higher education coordinating boards can determine the changing enrollment patterns of students
  • State demographers, manpower training analysis offices, etc., can analyze who uses which higher education sectors and with what success as part of a cost-benefit analysis for the state’s postsecondary investment
  • Central administrative authorities for higher education systems can analyze and compare student enrollment, transfers in/out, and graduation patterns of their campuses
  • Other public and private organizations with the legal or contractual authority to analyze the performance of education programs.
  • Scholarship providers can understand the impact of any scholarships they award.
  • Test publishers can better understand the postsecondary progress and success of the individuals who take the standardized tests and assessments they administer, including linking assessments that measure skills, knowledge, and interest to postsecondary outcomes.

What StudentTracker Includes

  • Access to nationwide postsecondary enrollment and graduation data for your cohort
  • All types of postsecondary institutions: two-year, four-year, public, private, trade school, vocational, etc.
  • Student unit-level data that you can combine with your own data to analyze educational trends and patterns by any variable you choose
  • Secure and easy batch file exchanges