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StudentTracker for High Schools

StudentTracker® for High Schools is a unique program designed to help high schools and school districts more accurately gauge the college success of their graduates by answering such key questions as:

  • How many of our high school graduates enroll in college?
  • Do they persist and graduate from college?
  • How long does it take for them to get their degrees?
  • Do they attend a two- or four-year school?
  • Which colleges do they most commonly attend?

Why You Should Put StudentTracker to Work for You

StudentTracker for High Schools:

  • Tracks your students’ college attendance nationwide
  • Provides turnkey, professional-quality reports at an affordable price
  • Covers 97% of all postsecondary students in public and private U.K. institutions
  • Includes all types of institutions: two-year/four-year, graduate, public/private, trade, vocational, and others
  • Helps you accurately assess your college preparation efforts
  • Measures your graduates’ persistence in college
  • Complies with FERPA