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Postsecondary Data Partnership

Transform the way your institution measures and reports student progress so that every student can thrive. The Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) empowers institutions with more comprehensive data, easier analysis, and better visual representations to help you understand, improve, and communicate student momentum, outcomes, and equity.

Simpler reporting to education organizations and associations. What can you do with the PDP?

  • Gain Access to Richer Insights. PDP insights are based on a comprehensive set of student data, including information left out of other data collections. The PDP’s data includes metrics on all new students who enter your institution at any time, not just full-time fall freshmen.
  • Close Equity Gaps. The PDP’s early momentum indicators enable you to identify students who need help and the policies that are creating barriers to their success, so you can implement solutions.
  • Tell Your Institution’s Story. PDP tools help you create visually compelling, easily understood reports that communicate trends and outcomes for your entire student body and specific populations within it.
  • Make Smarter Policy Decisions. The PDP gives you the information you need to achieve the greatest positive impact while optimizing your use of time and resources.
  • Benchmark Against Peer Institutions. The PDP enables you to compare your institution’s progress and outcomes with those of its peers to help you gauge your work’s success.

The PDP gives you:

  • Interactive dashboards that let you easily measure outcomes.
  • Powerful multivariable filtering tools to analyze deep, disaggregated data, characteristics, such as age, race, gender, cohort term, and first-generation-student status.
  • Benchmarking data for comparisons with peer institutions.
  • Analysis-ready files that let you perform granular analysis and data comparisons with other data sets.
  • Simpler reporting to education organizations and associations.
  • National benchmarking reports to help understand the national trends in post-secondary education with reports utilizing the power of PDP data and metrics.

Explore the PDP

Data Submission Process

How does the PDP work? With our process, deeper insights are just three steps away.

Get Better Insights

Find indicators of student progress, year-on-year data, and benchmarking information to strategically prioritize student success efforts for maximum results.

Tell Your Institution’s Story

Organize your data into simple, easily shareable visuals to show your institution’s progress.

Our Partners

Discover the education organizations that are using the PDP to help institutions and students succeed.

PDP Pricing

We offer several different Postsecondary Data Partnership packages.

Student Insights Dashboard

Share verified student progress and outcome information with the public.


The PDP continually adapts to education needs, staying up to date on the metrics you need for the comprehensive evaluation of your student-success interventions.